Welcome to this new section.
Information Letter A IncreasedIncidenceOfScarletFever-LetterToParents 08122022
Strep A infection guidance for parents and carers
LFD Testing for parents March 25 2021
In the event of restricted opening due to government advice or staff shortage children will be allocated places using the following priority structure:-
1) Children who have been awarded inclusion support or 2yr funding by West Sussex and Children of key workers (upon receipt of written evidence).
2) School leavers born in the summer term – April 1st – August 31st.
3) School leavers born in the Spring term – January1st – March 31st.
4) School leavers born in the Autumn term – September 1st – December 31st.
5) Non school leaving 3yr olds awarded 15 hours of government funded places.
6) Children who have self funded places – sessions missed will be credited to the following terms invoice.
It may be necessary to ‘bubble’ the children to minimise contact for staff and families. Families will be informed by email.
Autumn Term 2020
Autumn Term 2020