
Please note that all fees are subject to an annual review.


Self funded fees are £24 per morning or afternoon session or £48 for a day.
Fees and entitlement are calculated based on 2 x 12 week terms and 1 x 14 week = 38 weeks a year.
pattern of delivery policy

You may be entitled to 30 hours free entitlement funding for 3-4 year olds if you and your partner are working (or just you if you are a single parent family) . Contact the nursery for information or visit the Government’s Childcare Choices website.

FAQ about Early Years Funding Expansion
Parents FAQ 2024. Funding expansion

Voucher payment

We accept childcare vouchers, so please let us know if you want to use these to offset the cost of your childcare against Tax and National Insurance payments.

* Fees will still be due, even if your child is away for any reason, as our overheads remain the same. Fees will also be charged for Bank Holidays.

When making a payment, please give your child’s name as a reference.